Thursday, August 30, 2012

I'm With the Band

There has been some Interest in Being my DJ or providing the Tunes during the times that I cook. Let me just say that this would be the Bomb, quite possible the Bomb Diggidy. There is one catch however, I will not always be cooking around dinner time. sometimes I will be cooking in the morning, or the afternoon, or at night. So if you are totally interested in providing the Jams for a certain night, or day, and you can submit a modest proposal (AKA, tell me in advance) I do not see a problem, with this.

Also if you would want to host one of the days, as in I cook in you kitchen this works too. I would be all too happy to come over and do my cooking for you. But you must be able to host any DJs, Band Members or Designated Eaters who also want in on said day. Other then that I think it's a great idea.

Keep the questions and encouragement coming along with suggestions of things I need to try and cook. And remember to be Excellent to Each Other.  

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Designated Eater Program (DEP)

For the course of this blog we will be using the Designated Eater Program. If you would like to come over and eat stuff that I make let me know in advance, fill out a form, submit it in triplicate, and I will get back to you. Remember to keep an eye on the Side bar for a list of upcoming recipes and days. 


The Designated Eater Program or the DEP as we refer to it around here is a great way to participate in Local Food Activities (LFA). The program provides eater to local cooks who like to cook for other people. It benefits both parties, as the eater gets to enjoy wonderful food and the Cook gets to sit back and listen to everyone tell them how good their food is. Like most artist Cooks are notoriously distrustful of the validity of anything they do. They need your validation and Praise to continue producing Wonderful Culinary Treats (WCT). 

To apply simply fill out the form below and submit it to your local Cook. 

Favorite Food:
Food Allergies:
Eating History:
Special Skills:
Eating Habits:
What will you Bring to the Table:

Complete the Following Sentences.

1.That was the best meal ever. I eat like a _____________.
2. OH my gosh, are you putting __________ in that? I love __________!
3.  (Write your own Sentence)


In your own words Describe what makes you qualified to eat food. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Why Am I So OLD!!!!!!!?

Well the end is upon us. The last days of an Era. Let the men drink toasts in the halls, and the women weep in the streets. Soon people will ask each other where they were when it happened, you should make sure to know where you were. You heard rumors that it was coming, but you were sure the Mayans were right and were hoping that the world had ended before this time came.

I'm Turning 30!

breath....breath....and ok.

Contrary to popular belief I am OK with this..... mostly. In fact I have decided to celebrate it even. so in the tradition of many great people, some of whom I even know, I have decided to do a Thirty for Thirty blog. You know the ones, where you do 30 cool things the 30 days before you turn 30. And in the tradition of most things Jon, this blog is about Food

Thirty Dishes that I have NEVER EVER Cooked Before. 

That's Right, you heard it hear first, I'm Cooking 30 days in a row. Sounds great right, sounds like you want to be there to try every single dish. well you can't, because I'm selfish and you are so far away. But wait, you say you live near by, well in that case maybe you should come over for dinner some night, or lunch, or whatever. That's right I'm inviting you to come join in. I am willing to share some of the spoils with you, but I need something from you in return, I need to think of 30 things I have never Cooked before. So give me a call, send me a text, drop me an email, I even accept telegrams. 

That's not the best part even, the best part is that I will be sharing the recipes and the experience with you here on my blog. That's right, even those of you who made the poor decision not to live your life within driving distance of me can still enjoy the experience of cooking with me. We will have photos, food histories, and even links to the music i listen too while cooking. The cooking Music is the most important part of cooking. 

So pull up a Plate and grab a Chair, it's time to eat.