Monday, August 27, 2012

Why Am I So OLD!!!!!!!?

Well the end is upon us. The last days of an Era. Let the men drink toasts in the halls, and the women weep in the streets. Soon people will ask each other where they were when it happened, you should make sure to know where you were. You heard rumors that it was coming, but you were sure the Mayans were right and were hoping that the world had ended before this time came.

I'm Turning 30!

breath....breath....and ok.

Contrary to popular belief I am OK with this..... mostly. In fact I have decided to celebrate it even. so in the tradition of many great people, some of whom I even know, I have decided to do a Thirty for Thirty blog. You know the ones, where you do 30 cool things the 30 days before you turn 30. And in the tradition of most things Jon, this blog is about Food

Thirty Dishes that I have NEVER EVER Cooked Before. 

That's Right, you heard it hear first, I'm Cooking 30 days in a row. Sounds great right, sounds like you want to be there to try every single dish. well you can't, because I'm selfish and you are so far away. But wait, you say you live near by, well in that case maybe you should come over for dinner some night, or lunch, or whatever. That's right I'm inviting you to come join in. I am willing to share some of the spoils with you, but I need something from you in return, I need to think of 30 things I have never Cooked before. So give me a call, send me a text, drop me an email, I even accept telegrams. 

That's not the best part even, the best part is that I will be sharing the recipes and the experience with you here on my blog. That's right, even those of you who made the poor decision not to live your life within driving distance of me can still enjoy the experience of cooking with me. We will have photos, food histories, and even links to the music i listen too while cooking. The cooking Music is the most important part of cooking. 

So pull up a Plate and grab a Chair, it's time to eat. 


Sarah said...

Count me in!! And if homemade chicken fried steak is one of the things you're making then that's the day I'm coming!

Sarah said...

Sorry, I thought each big heading was a new post so I started at the bottom to read in chronological order and then realized it was one post. So I hadother comment: For me turning 29 was the worst. I couldn't believe I was about to be 30, I was devastated. Then I woke up on my 30th birthday and felt liberated. I was 30!! I had learned some stuff! I had some life behind me...some experiences of value! It was the best birthday of my adult life. That was 6 years ago so I'm hoping 40 will be even better. You're going to rock being 30!

Sarah said...

Okay and then when I was trying to edit my last comment my computer did that weird thing where everything I type types over the other things I've typed. I HATE when it does that and I don't know how to stop it. So where it says hadother I meant had another but I wasn't going to let it erase everything I'd already written.

Hippo said...

Yea Computers are weird.

David Grover said...

I want to eat that food!

One request: Pizza Rolls. Like cinnamon rolls, but with pizza.